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更新时间:2018-10-29 16:48



cytus第七章的第1首BGM是Alive: Loom


I hear my exists a lie

make a look and he has begun

reading new and receiving the new ye

never give me a reason to cry

No kidding me and maraud me

cause he has tried to slung

like sand away in a hurry

but trust me you like me and want enough

My name have we seen or rarely

my mind was told 'What must I do?'

rising a way in my do

write 'hello' in the room

So bring me

could we get your silence?

here I've already tried to crave your voice

Just give me

give us the thing as alive

every thing came for a crazy arrive

Reach me

could we get your silence?

here I've already tried to add something

because I need anything, not everything

Have you ever thought my feeling

A lie......

Give me

could we get your silence?

Have you ever thought my feeling?

Then shall we ......

but he has tried to slung

thought there is no reason for you

but look at me, how did you break me out?

My name have we seen or......


Thought here we look in........

It doesn't in the room

So bring me

could we get your silence?

here I've already tried to crave your voice

Just give me

give us the thing as alive

every thing came for a crazy arrive

Reach me

could we get your silence?

here I've already tried to add something

because I need anything, not everything

Have you ever thought my feeling?---------

Take a look and here we are now

It's mushy......

That's what I was dreaming



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