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抖音if you happy you say喵是什么歌 喵喵喵歌曲介绍

更新时间:2020-09-17 18:15



抖音if you happy you say喵是什么歌 喵喵喵歌曲介绍

其实这个歌曲就是如果你感到快乐你就拍拍手的英文版:If You're Happy.

“if you're happy and you know say Miao”,连续的三个喵,还非常有趣。

大家如果想要在抖音里搜索,直接打开抖音搜索If You're Happy,点击音乐;



歌曲名:If You'Re Happy And You Know It

歌手:Dora The Explorer

专辑:Dora The Explorer Party Favorite

sIf you're HappyIf you're happy,

and you know it,Clap your hands.(Clap!Clap!)

If you're happy,and you know it,Clap your hands.

(Clap!Clap!)If you're happy,and you know it,Then,

your face will surely show ti,If you're happy,and you know it,Clap your hands.(Clap!Clap!)I

f you're happy,and you know it,Stomp your feet.(Stomp!Stomp!)

If you're happy,and you know it,Stomp your feet.(Stomp!Stomp!)

If you're happy,and you know it,Then, your face will surely show ti,

If you're happy,and you know it,Stomp your feet.(Stomp!Stomp!)

If you're happy,and you know it,Shout "Hurray!"(Hurray!)

If you're happy,and you know it,Shout "Hurray!"

(Hurray!)If you're happy,and you know itThen, your face will surely show ti,I

f you're happy,and you know it,Shout "Hurray!"

(Hurray!)If you're happy,and you know itDo all three

.(Clap! Clap !Stomp!Stpomp!Hurray!)If you're happy,and you know it

Do all three.(Clap! Clap !Stomp!Stpomp!Hurray!)

If you're happy,and you know itThen, your face will surely show ti,

If you're happy,and you know it,Do all three.(Clap! Clap !Stomp!Stpomp!Hurray!)

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