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更新时间:2022-02-11 10:22







1、关于比比安慕希其实真实的含义为Beep beep I'm a sheep,属于是一首歌曲的歌词的谐音。

2、同时这首歌的歌曲名称为《Beep Beep I'm a Sheep》其实再造17年的时候就在网路上走红过。



Beep beep I'm a sheep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Beep beep I'm a sheep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Beep beep I'm a sheep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Beep beep I'm a sheep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Yeah now some of you might be wondering

How exactly does one beep beep like a sheep

Take it away


Step one

Throw your hands up

Then point them too the floor

Step two

Here's what to do

Now get down on all fours

Step three

Just bounce around

It's easy follow me

Step four

Go crazy now

And beep beep like a sheep

Beep beep I'm a sheep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Beep beep I'm a sheep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Beep beep I'm a sheep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Beep beep I'm a sheep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Beep beep

You've got to

You've got to

Beep beep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Beep beep

You've got to

You've got to

Beep beep

I said beep beep like a sheep

Yeah so you know how to beep beep like a sheep

I see

But is that all you can do

Step one

Throw your hands up

And point them to the sky

Step two

Drop to the floor

And move from side to side

Step three

Just bounce around

Come on I'll show you how

Step four

Go crazy now

And meow meow like a cow

Meow meow I'm a cow

I said meow meow I'm a cow

Meow meow I'm a cow

I said meow meow I'm a cow

Meow meow I'm a cow

I said meow meow I'm a cow

Meow meow I'm a cow

I said meow meow I'm a cow

Beep beep

You've got to

You've got to

Beep beep

I said beep beep I'm a sheep

Beep beep

You've got to

You've got to

Beep beep

I said beep beep like a sheep

Beep beep


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