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抖音男友力爆棚的过肩摔bgm是什么 男友力视频背景音乐介绍

更新时间:2020-10-10 19:58




抖音男友力爆棚的过肩摔bgm是什么 男友力视频背景音乐介绍

  这首歌叫做:《Meant To Be》

  点击试听:《Meant To Be》

  Meant To Be (命中注定) - Arc North/Krista Marina

  I want you to show me

  How to get to know

  Someone like you someone like you

  I want you to know me

  Cause I know then youll see

  We can be true we can be true

  I want you to see what I see in us

  Something so real something so real

  I want you to see that this is a love

  That we both feel that we both feel

  And how will we ever know

  If the love will ever grow

  Without trying without trying

  And how will we ever see

  If we are meant to be

  Its terrifying its terrifying

  That we are meant to be

  We are we are

  That we are meant to be

  That we are meant to be

  We are we are

  That we are meant to be

  We both been there before

  When love shuts the door

  Its a losing game its a losing game

  But this time its more

  Than another love war

  This aint the same this aint the same

  They say love heals all

  It makes it all alright

  In time in time

  My heart still feels the breaking

  But you make my world so bright

  It feels so right it feels so right

  And how will we ever feel

  That what we got is real

  Theres no denying theres no denying

  And how will we ever see

  If we are meant to be

  Its terrifying its terrifying

  And how till we ever know

  If the love will ever grow

  Without trying without trying

  And how will we ever see

  If we are meant to be

  Its terrifying its terrifying

  That we are meant to be

  We are we are

  That we are meant to be

  That we are meant to be

  We are we are

  That we are meant to be


  世界上最糟糕的感觉: 1.学习很努力考试挂掉 2.好朋友有了新的好朋友 3.被无视 4.非常期待什么事结果被取消 5.在别人面前强忍泪水 6.发现喜欢的人喜欢着其他人 7.告别


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