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报告老师bgm背景音乐是什么歌 《Muffins In The Freezer》试听

更新时间:2020-09-19 18:19



报告老师bgm背景音乐是什么歌 《Muffins In The Freezer》试听


  Who in the hell put the muffins in the freezer


  I did

  What you gonna do about it nothing

  I did yow

  Muffins in the freezer they be lit uhm

  Ya ya ya ya

  I got no ice on my wrist you can check

  Need to invest and re-double the check oh

  Had no paper my life stayed on a stress

  I was obsess sticked to the sound process

  Doing something that I didn't love

  Wanna be in that place right above

  Cleaning that sink but Imma get there

  Visualize my vision me I just stare

  Getting back home so tired

  My sleep was unwired

  Some days not inspired no

  Need to do what's required

  Who in the hell put the muffins in the freezer

  I did

  What you gonna do about it nothing

  I did yow

  Muffins in the freezer they be lit uhm

  Ya ya ya ya

  Every time I woke up I just wanted get that message message

  I just wanna get that blessing blessing

  This becoming depressing depressing

  Saving all that cash to make tiagz blow

  They always just saw me low

  Reps on reps to become that pro

  Been awhile yo yo yo yo

  Now it's yo let's collab

  Remember me I love yo flow

  Yo what's up look at Tiago

  He doesn't know who is Margo


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