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抖音heartbeat谁唱的 抖音heartbeat歌词一览

更新时间:2019-05-30 17:11


抖音最近流行一首超好听的歌曲:heartbeat,节奏感很强,这首歌完整的名字叫做Heartbeat Nightcore,旋律优美,这里为大家带来这首heartbeat的歌唱与教程,欢迎大家前来参考。

这首歌的名字叫做Heartbeat (Nightcore)



You said why am I holding on baby ooh

I would never back down

Are you walking out of my life

Saying you really don't love me ooh

Baby you don't mean that

You remember all that we had

I took it for granted that you loved me the same

But I gotta keep on talking

Listen to my heartbeat beat beat

Saying do you love me me me

But I'm lying here alone

So I put you in a song

Beside my heartbeat beat beat

I know I haven't been the best lately oh

And I really know now I should give you all of my time yeah

You really do deserve better oh

Gotta get you somehow

Can we start over again now

I took it for granted that you loved me the same

But I gotta keep on talking

Listen to my heartbeat beat beat

Saying do you love me me me

But I'm lying here alone

So I put you in a song

Beside my heartbeat beat beat

Why am I holding on baby

I would never back down

Are you walking out of my life

So listen to my heartbeat beat beat

Saying do you love me

Oh and saying that you love me

But I'm lying here alone

So I put you in a song

Beside my heartbeat beat beat

Saying do you love me me me

But I'm lying here alone

So I put you in a song

Beside my heartbeat beat beat

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