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更新时间:2018-11-10 14:56



cytus第S章的第1首BGM是LVBNR5 Schwarz

全名为:Ludwig Van Beethoven Sinfonie NumbeR.5

即LVB Sinfonie No.5 贝多芬第五交响乐

Cytus 简称为LVBNR5 Schwarz

Schwarz在德文中指"黑色",所以应指"黑暗版本" 白色版本


Don't let the beat stop I wanna see your head rocking.

Beat's clucking the beat boys are body popping.

The bass drops and it sounds like a tremor.

Everybody's in the club getting their vibes together.

Hands in the sky, yo, we moving to the floor.

Leave your stress and put on your happiness at the door.

Keep it funky with the 4/4 beat from your radios TV screens.

And in the streets.

So don't stop now DJ's got the media on lock now.

Temperature's hot now.

'cause in the bowl there's no time to flop now. I'mma give my all, give it everything I've got now.

I'm like the colours in the rainbow.

The way my white light just shines through a prism. These are the sounds I'm spitting on the bass line.

And our waistlines intertwine with the rhythm.


Pico :<架空语言>

Trust, hot now.

I'm losing control my mind now, yeah!


I'm back again, spitting on the track again.

I'm in this game for good, I'm never packing in.

I'm never lacking in the skills you're slacking in.

This year's the year that it's all happening.

I'm in the mode, my vibes are skyrocketing.

Shut the door; the vibes, they need locking in.

This kid's too sick, nobody's stopping him.

And this suck that's what everyone's forgotten and

I got a lot of talent, you ain't off balance.

And I'm gripping the game like bird talons.

Holding the mic with a tight grip.

When the rhymes come out my thoughts straight from my lips.

Then I deliver a sick twist of lyrics.

Never mimic or spit on real gimmicks.

This MC's just in it just to win it.

And I'm never gonna stop.

So you better get with it.

Pico :<架空语言>

Feel the beat!

Feel the beat!

Feel the beat!



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