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更新时间:2018-11-09 14:26



cytus第八章的第1首BGM是Alive: Another Me


I found they ever seen my dream,

As it goes on, I forget it. Fun's clear.

I found the others found our room...

With thrust it beats, I forget it was a dream.

Have you feel like a sound?

Have you feel like goodbye?

It's I believed, that could broke when I find you, kid...

Have you felt like (that I) could come?

Have you felt like you're lost?

My, it does seem like a bust, my kryptonite me.


Say "Don't, rebels!" Somewhere I will stay. (yeah... [2x])

♦:(I) Sail like all the subway sounded.

I could find a ship, Dad, oh, can I?


[I]Crystals over distant cheers (yeah... [2x])[重回♦]

[II]As they don't rebel...(yeah... [2x])[2x]

I'm sure though, this is point, no one turn.

I'm sure it will like it is took,.

It was completely out of control.

With thrust it beats, I forget it was a dream.

Does he read like (I'm) complete?

Does he read like I'm seeing?

See me long most the light, so please, like you, I read.

Have you felt like that I could come?

Yeah, it feels the same, like mine.

But it does seem like a bust, my kryptonite me.



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